Tuesday 28 June 2011

Gambare Nippon!

As we all are aware, Japan was struck by a devastating earthquake and tsunami on March 11 of this year.  Over 11,000 people were believed killed (a number expected to climb), over 18,000 missing and over 180,000 displaced.
Y's Men International started a campaign, called Gambare Nippon! to "help the Japanese Y’s Men to effectively carry out their relief activities with YMCA Japan for the victims of the earthquake and the tsunami which struck Japan on 11 March 2011."  Y's Men's Clubs from all over the world raised funds to help in this relief effort.  To date, $102,755 USD has been raised and forwarded to Y's Men International to help in this effort, proving once again that Y's Men and Y's Service Clubs have a huge heart. 
This campaign will continue until September 2011, as the relief effort will be continuing for some time to come as people need to rebuild lives torn apart by this catastrophe.  
Check the YMI page for how to contribute to this campaign: http://ysmen.org/index.php?id=710